Our news site 3rdw3rd.com aims to bring the news to you wherever you are, which belongs to our beloved country, Australia, as well as the world's most important news, 24 hours a day. We aim to reach more than 9.5 million Australian.
Our site provides breaking news and extensive newsletters with our team so that we can meet our readers' desire to reach the stage of truly important stories, so we provide them with timely news updates around the clock.
We live to interact with readers and at appropriate times offer an alternative angle to news that involves humor when you expect.
Our website 3rdw3rd.com offers news in color which includes entertainment, travel, lifestyle, sports, business, technology, money and real estate. We connect users to our content as they spend their time.
We appreciate your trust and that's why we make sure to verify our information before submitting it to you. We focus on what we get first and get it right so we can commit to your confidence for a long time.
We provide a national perspective with articles from the best news services in Australia and around the world.
We are committed to open, fair and balanced coverage.
We are committed to disclosing the source of our information to you so that we can apply the disclosure and transparency standards as well as protect the intellectual and property rights of the beneficiaries.
Our website 3RDW3RD.COM offers a reliable digital news service to provide you with the news you want wherever and whenever you want - on your computer, phone or tablet.